A new book of kusen by Guy Mokuhō is now available! (in French) ŌGU 2: Donner, Recevoir, Transmettre Livret 6 de Guy Mokuhō (OGU 2: Giving, Receiving, Transmitting - Guy…
The 6th Paramita, The Virtue of Perfection of Great Wisdom
The 6th Paramita - The Virtue of Perfection of Great Wisdom Extract: It is called Prajnāpāramitā « The bodhisattvas, since the appearance of the mind of Awakening, seek the Knowledge…
Tenboring Flash News Special Number 7 - 21 June 2020 To the members of Tenborin … hello everyone! This newsletter, whose topic is the dana paramita puts an end to the…
Dear friends of Tenbôrin, After this period of lockdown when all the activities of the sangha were suspended, we’ll be happy to meet you again for the summer sesshin. Unless…
Dear Friends of Tenborin, You regularly receive our Tenboring newsletter. Teachings on paramitas are probably a little too long. If you cannot read them now, please download them and keep…
Dear friends of the way and of Tenborin The present circumstances plunge us in spite of ourselves into a "here-and-now " we can choose to ignore by staying stuck to…
Ksanti : Patience (Nin in japonais) by Guy Mokuhô Mercier All the difficulties and sufferings of beings have one cause. To resolve them or free oneself from them, we need…
Sickness is present everywhere in the world, this is a fact. We all know about so many sufferings which result from it, and feel ourselves to be totally powerless in…
Editorial Guy Mokuhô - October 2019 Ko shin is the attitude of the mind we must attest in zen. Ko shin opens up from the sincerity of our meditation practise…
The Meaning of OGU - By Guy Mokuhô Mercier Ōgu expresses the "transmission". We transmit through our practice this same form and rituals that have been transmitted and taught by…
What kind of spirituality does our world need today? It is an unimaginable challenge to try to innovate by oneself without relying on personal ideas, our preferences or dislikes. Every…
In zazen as in kinhin, we practise relaxation of our entire body. But relaxation is sometimes difficult because we don’t know what to do with our legs, our knees, and…
by Guy Mokuho Mercier – June 2017 Teaching Shantideva said , the mind of awakening presents two aspects. On one side, the wish to awaken and on the other, engagement…