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ArticlesTaitaiko Go Gajariho – “Pure Standards for the Zen Community”
February 9, 2020

Taitaiko Go Gajariho – “Pure Standards for the Zen Community”

Taitaiko Go Gajariho - "Pure Standards for the Zen Communnity" Byu Sebastian Mokusen Volz Master Dogen, in an early period in Kyoto developed the essential teachings on the path and…
ArticlesTales, Legends in the Transmission of Zen by Jean Marc Kukan Delom
February 9, 2020

Tales, Legends in the Transmission of Zen by Jean Marc Kukan Delom

Tales, Legends in the Transmission of Zen by Jean Marc Kukan Delom By Jean Marc Kukan Delom Zen is full of stories and tales from multiple sources, reworked, told and…
ArticlesTransmission for and according to Dogen by Jean Zanetsu Zuber
February 9, 2020

Transmission for and according to Dogen by Jean Zanetsu Zuber

Transmission for and according to Dogen. By Jean Zanetsu Zuber At the end of this July camp there will be ordinations of nuns and bodhisattvas. During this ceremony, the teacher…
ArticlesToshoji : A monastic life for foreign monks and nuns – By Sebastian Volz
June 30, 2019

Toshoji : A monastic life for foreign monks and nuns – By Sebastian Volz

Toshoji : A monastic life for foreign monks and nuns - By Sebastian Volz ~ By Sebastian Volz Shinto priests had seen for a long time, in the hollow of…
ArticlesAn ango at Toshoji – Sebastian Volz
June 30, 2019

An ango at Toshoji – Sebastian Volz

An Ango at Toshoji Sebastian Volz's Experience Three months of monastic life can be summed up in a single day. Waking up to the drum, the day gets started with…
ArticlesAn Ango at Toshoji – Jean-Marc Delom
June 30, 2019

An Ango at Toshoji – Jean-Marc Delom

An Ango at Toshoji Jean-Marc Delom's Experience The heat was suffocating when I began this Ango to live what appeared to me to be an experience. In my little room…
ArticlesAn Ango at Toshoji – Javier
June 30, 2019

An Ango at Toshoji – Javier

An Ango at Toshoji Javier's Experience " In the field , only straw remained. Then they burnt that too …..And now, new green shoots appear here and there. This is…
ArticlesAn Ango at Toshoji – Pere
June 30, 2019

An Ango at Toshoji – Pere

An Ango at Toshoji Pere's Experience Dear friends of Tenborin, If I were to sum up the experience of my Ango in Japan, I would say that it was an…
ArticlesKarma and Freedom – Florian Demont
June 30, 2019

Karma and Freedom – Florian Demont

Karma et liberté Teachings - Resources By Florian Demont Karma. We often take it as  synonymous with fate or  determinism. Karma, then, is a result and we are damned to…
Fugen Bosatsu - Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.ArticlesThe sutra and ceremony of repentance
January 2, 2019

The sutra and ceremony of repentance

By Lana Hōsei Berrington In zen we chant this verse of repentance on some occasions: Ga shaku sho zo sho aku go Kai yu mu shi ton jin chi Ju…
ArticlesNewsResting in the unborn
January 2, 2019

Resting in the unborn

Resting in the unborn - New Kusen collection of Guy Mokuhō Mercier (available in french only) By Liliann Shu Rei Manning RESTING IN THE UNBORN is the 3rd collection of…
ArticlesUJI or the Breath of Existence – Shobogenzo Chapter 11.
June 11, 2018

UJI or the Breath of Existence – Shobogenzo Chapter 11.

U means existence, Ji means time. “Generally the term uji refers to a moment where someone finds themselves in possession of something that is circulating between people, money for example.…