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Sad News – The death of Fabien
A New Kusen Booklet by Guy Mokuhō!
Making of Zoom Zazen
A Message from Guy Mokuhô Mercier – Regarding Confinement
Resting in the unborn
A Tribute to Sojun Matsuno Roshi
Francis Taigan Reiku has left us – 21 March 2017

Sad News – The death of Fabien
Letter to a friend Dear Fabien, You suddenly disappeared into invisibility, and that took us all by surprise. At 11:00 on Tuesday morning, I exchanged a friendly text message with…

A New Kusen Booklet by Guy Mokuhō!
A new book of kusen by Guy Mokuhō is now available! (in French) ŌGU 2: Donner, Recevoir, Transmettre Livret 6 de Guy Mokuhō (OGU 2: Giving, Receiving, Transmitting - Guy…

Making of Zoom Zazen
The Making of Zoom Zazen By Pierre Dutheil As a close disciple of Guy Mokuho Mercier (less than 150 km), I was moved to offer myself thinking that for this…

A Message from Guy Mokuhô Mercier – Regarding Confinement
Hello dear friends of Tenborin. I hope you are all well At this time when everyone is obliged to stay at home, we feel even more the need to come…

Resting in the unborn
Resting in the unborn - New Kusen collection of Guy Mokuhō Mercier (available in french only) By Liliann Shu Rei Manning RESTING IN THE UNBORN is the 3rd collection of…

A Tribute to Sojun Matsuno Roshi
On November the 8th, Sojun Matsuno roshi left us at the age of 89. He is the master who agreed to p ass on to me the Dharma (the Shihô)…

Francis Taigan Reiku has left us – 21 March 2017
Francis Tai Gan Reiku Baudart left us on Monday 21 March 2017 His funeral will take place on Tuesday 28 March at 9am at the crematorium du Crouël, rue Jean…